‘The Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch’ is the official name of our sacred Church, in Syriac language; the proper name of the Church is ‘ldto Suryoyto Treeysath Shubho’. In the past, the name of the Church had been translated to English as ‘Syrian Orthodox Church’. The Holy Synod of the Church approved the translation ‘Syriac Orthodox Church’ for use in English speaking countries in its session of March 28-April 3, 2000. It refers to ‘Antioch’ because of the church (Holy See) that was established in that city by St. Peter, head of the Apostles of Jesus Christ, in 37 A.D. as read in the Bible; Acts of Apostles Chapter 11: Verse 26 – in Antioch “The disciples were first called Christians”. This Church confirms the apostolic Orthodox faith and spread it all over the world. It used the Aramaic language, the language of our Lord, Jesus Christ His Holy Mother, and His righteous apostles, in all of its liturgies. This Church embraces a group of believe such as belief in our Lord Jesus Christ; The God Incarnate, Saviour of the world, and in His Father and the Holy Spirit, meaning The Holy Trinity, One True God. We also believe in an unshaken faith based upon the commandments of the Gospels, the teachings of the Apostles, the opinions and views of their legitimate successors, and the decisions of its Holy Synod as well. All of which represent the Sacramental Body of Christ. Its Spiritual Fathers who were given authority by Jesus Christ in order to fulfil its evangelical mission manages its spiritual affairs. By this authority they guide and stress upon Christian teachings, justifications, consecration, preserving the Holy Sacraments, and achievement of justice for all mankind. The Jacobite Syrian Orthodox Christian Church (The Holy Synod of the Church approved the translation ‘Syriac Orthodox Church’ for use in English speaking countries in its session of March 28- April 3, 2000.) is an Integral part of the Universal Syriac Orthodox Church with the Patriarch of Antioch and the East as its supreme head. The local head of the Church in India is the Catholicos, ordained by and accountable to the Patriarch of Antioch. The faith, traditions, customs and rituals of Jacobite Syrian Orthodox Church are of the Universal Syriac Orthodox Church. They use the same liturgy and hymns, but in a different language – Malayalam.

His Holiness Moran Mor Ignatius Aphrem II
123rd successor of St.Peter

His Beatitude Aboon Mor Baselious Thomas 1st
(Catholicos of India)
In the recent past, especially in the last decade (Early AD 2000), a considerable number of Jacobite Syrian orthodox Christians from India, migrated, naturalized and settled down in the Commonwealth of Australia. They followed the Jacobite Syrian orthodox Christian Church’s faith, maintained their distinct identity and preserved glorious traditions of the Universal Syrian Orthodox Church. In order to accomplish that, they formed Churches/Parishes, Congregations and Spiritual Organisation under the Spiritual leadership of H.E. KURIAKOSE MOR THEOPHILOSE under Malankara Syrian Orthodox Council Europe.

Mor Geevarghese Athanasios
Patriarchal vicar
Australia-New Zealand diocese
(Aug 2014- Aug 2017/Feb 2021 – till date)

Mor Milithious Yuhanon
Patriarchal Vicar
Australia-New Zealand diocese
(Aug 2017 – Jan 2021)

Mor Irenious Poulose
Patriarchal Vicar
Australia-New Zealand dioces
(Aug-2008 to August 2014)
Later in 2006/2007 H.H. IGNATIUS ZAKKA IWAS, the then Patriarch of Antioch and the entire East constituted a Vicariate for the Commonwealth of Australia and appointed H.E THOMAS MAR TIMOTHEOUS as Patriarchal vicar/Metropolitan for a period of three years. In 2008 His Holiness appointed H.E. PAULOSE MAR IRENEOUS as new Patriarchal Vicar/Metropolitan for the Patriarchal Vicariate for the next three years. In August 2014, H.H. IGNATIUS APHREM II, (the legitimate successor of H.H Late lamented Ignatius Zakka Iwas I) appointed H.E. GEEVARGHESE MAR ATHANASIUS and on August 2017, H.E. YUHANON MOR MELETHEOSE succeeded as current Patriarchal vicar/Metropolitan for the Patriarchal Vicariate of Malankara Jacobite Syrian Orthodox Church, Australia.

Kuriakose Mor Theophilose

Thomas Mor Timotheose